Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pulse check

So, I have been here in Chicago for about 4 months and it still feels like I just got here. I went home to Indiana for some family stuff this past weekend and when I drove back last night it was 66 degrees so it is almost warm!! As I drove up LSD I thought to myself. "WOW, it finally feels like Chicago is alive and booming." I saw tents for Taste of Chicago, sailboats everywhere, and joggers-bikers-walkers literally everywhere. YAY, I am looking forward to some summertime Chicago fun. wink wink I have met some really cool people and I love the Lake Shore Path or what I refer to as a 'boardwalk'. Locals have told me I must be from the south-hahaha. No Indiana! Sorry!

So~I stopped for groceries before I pulled up yesterday. I pulled up to my high rise and put on my flashers, asked my doorman for a cart (like a hotel), loaded it up as a police officer was ticketing the car behind me, went back in and asked my doorman to keep and eye on the cart while I parked my car, and came back down and retrieved the cart to go up to the 38th floor. Almost.......almost, I pushed the cart in my doorway to unload and well, that was the end of the Miller Lite I bought for Lindsay and Molly's visit. It exploded on my floor and then when I attempted to turn on my hallway light it burned out....... home sweet home. :-)

Don't forget I had to return the cart and go back to get my golf clubs....

I am excited for my upcoming visitors: Lindsay, Molly, and Angie!! Haven't decided what to do for the FOURTH yet. TBA


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