Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Chicago-Here I am!

Well. I left Atlanta last Thursday and was so exhausted from the packing (even though I had corporate movers) so I crashed in Knoxville for the night so I wouldn't miss Lipstick Jungle-My new co-favorite tv show. I made some serious sales atop the Smokey Mountains on Friday. (I had to keep pulling over to open the lap top and sell, sell, sell.) I had dinner at the country club with Mom, Dad, & G-ma and then Saturday bought a new sofa sectional since mine was too big to fit in the doorway in Chicago-ugh. I met my sister's boyfriend Sunday and then crashed with her in Carmel anf played catch-phrase-the song version with Lindsay, Mark, and Kayla. You defintely want to play this game with me sometime ....apparently I am funny?

Monday I drove up to Chicago, slowly watching my thermometer drop, drop, drop while getting an arm workout because of the 70mph winds. I rolled in to Lake Shore Plaza with the cleanest car in the city-(not for long I am sure) I stayed at the Westin since I didn't have a bed or internet connection and it was the worst Westin experience I have ever had. (Internet didn't work, the heavenly shower was messed up, no tv station list, no slippers, blah blah. )

So the movers came 90 minutes early-uhm, not good when you are dealing with freight elevators and I am on the 38th floor and the MGMT acts like they are running a military operation. I began digging out of boxes as fast as they brought them up-not too much room to work with in 720sq. ft. I have 19 big boxes left mainly office, bathroom and closet stuff. My new sofa sectional came today and everything is shaping up nicely. Plan your visits now!!!!

So I ventured out for groceries/Target stuff tonight....Publix, oh Publix where are you?? Domincks is just not the same grocery experience. Met a nice girl in parking garage/elevator and she told me how she just moved from Indiana and she thought Chicago people were mean (great, thanks)
Guess she won't be my new Chicago bff!

Anyway, I assure you my future Whispers will be more fun!! Whisper, Whisper!!!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Cleaning out my closet...

SO do you ever decide to stay home on a Friday and commit to cleaning out your closet before you make a big move and end up ordering Thai, talking on the phone (Kristin), searching for paint colors for my new place, ordering golf clothes from Talbots, and NOT doing a damn thing you were supposed to do?? Don't get me wrong, I get up and walk into my closet, turn my light on, and then say oh-- it won't take me that long....UHMM, I have done this like 5 times and I have even made room on my floor for 2 piles 1. TOSS 2. CONSIGN..... well better get up and do another walk by! Thank god the movers are doing the real packing!!

Will you see your shadow tomorrow???

The Journey Begins

Well, my company has decided to move me to freeze my ass off in the windy city. I move February 15th and am trying to downsize right/clean out my closets now but I am on the phone with Kristin as she is driving to the LLCool J concert via some scandalous way she landed these tickets! She encouraged this new blog so brace yourself-people!!!!