Friday, February 1, 2008

Cleaning out my closet...

SO do you ever decide to stay home on a Friday and commit to cleaning out your closet before you make a big move and end up ordering Thai, talking on the phone (Kristin), searching for paint colors for my new place, ordering golf clothes from Talbots, and NOT doing a damn thing you were supposed to do?? Don't get me wrong, I get up and walk into my closet, turn my light on, and then say oh-- it won't take me that long....UHMM, I have done this like 5 times and I have even made room on my floor for 2 piles 1. TOSS 2. CONSIGN..... well better get up and do another walk by! Thank god the movers are doing the real packing!!

Will you see your shadow tomorrow???

1 comment:

Jeremy and Kristin said...

My closet is a total mess - I just don't have enough room for all of my stuff.
Funny story about seeing your shadow - my dad and two brothers actually drove to Pennsylvania this morning to witness the festivites around Groundhogs Day. My dad said that 30,000 people showed up to see that varmint run back into his hole. Living in Arizona, 6 more weeks of winter is actually a good thing ;-)